Our Philosophy
With more consumers using credit cards to pay for products and services, it can be detrimental to your business not to accept them. While accepting credit cards provides consumers with a convenient payment method and can make your business more consumer-friendly, these benefit come at a cost. All credit card payments are processed through a merchant credit card processing company, and just like any other company, they’re in business to make money. For every credit card sale you make, there is an interchange fee. Those fees begin to add up, taking a bite out of your profits.
These interchange fees vary depending on the type of card used. Debit, credit, business, or rewards cards – they all have different interchange fees and they often change. The Visa/ Mastercard company adjusts their rates twice a year, in April and October. There are also two types of fee structures. One charges fess per transaction, and the other charges a flat monthly rate. There are many factors to consider when trying to keep your credit card processing fees to a minimum. Trying to make sense of them all can be overwhelming.
Let Us Do The Research For You
At RAC Consulting, we sort through the sea of merchant credit card processing providers and the accompanying fees to help you identify the best choice for your business. Our goal is to help you keep your fees as low as possible and minimize their impact on your profit margin.
In some cases, the credit card processing companies can be negotiated with to lower interchange fees. However, it takes industry knowledge and experience to make that happen. If your current credit card processing company turns out to be the best fit for your business, we will be more than happy to negotiate with them on your behalf.
Looking for professional Merchant Credit Card Processing in North Carolina?
Look no further than RAC Consulting. For more information, you can contact us or give us a call at 888-233-1795.