
HR Consulting

Our Philosophy

For small to mid-sized businesses without in-house Human Resource expertise, RAC Consulting can be your HR Department. We are flexible, comprehensive, and experienced and stand ready to assist you with all of your HR-related projects and tasks either on an as-needed, on-call basis, or by regularly scheduled arrangements. With RAC HR Consulting Services, you have access to an experienced HR professional with over 20 years of experience, as an hourly resource so you pay for only what you need.

Professional HR Consulting Services

Unfortunately, in this day and age, dealing with sensitive employee issues can be a legal minefield.  A misstep can trigger a lawsuit. What protective measures you do today, can save you from costly and unnecessary claims tomorrow. There are filing discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination claims. 

With an experienced HR pro, your actions are justified and properly documented today in order to remove second-guessing and speculation tomorrow.

Our consultants have years of hands-on experience in a variety of companies in diverse industries. If there is a human resource issue you are facing, we’ve inevitably dealt with that precise problem or something quite similar. Human Resources cover a broad umbrella of services. If there is an issue involving the interaction and relationship of an employee with his or her employer, there is likely a significant HR component.

RAC HR Consulting Services include:

HR Compliance

Designing Compensation & Benefit Plans

Coaching/Training Managers & Supervisors, Recruiting

Recruiting & Screening Interviews

Assisting in Conflict Resolution

Auditing of HR Policies & Practices

HR Handbooks/Policy & Procedures Manuals

Consulting on Day-to-Day HR Issues as they arise

Looking for HR Consulting in North Carolina to for your business?

Look no further than RAC Consulting. For more information, you can contact us or give us a call at 888-233-1795.

If you have a specific HR need that is not listed, please contact us. With more than 20 years of experience in this field, we have in-depth knowledge that can guide you in implementing the proper HR policies and procedures.

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