Answering Services for Small Business - Why You Don't Need One

Answering Services for Small Business – Why You Don’t Need One

Small businesses are always searching for ways to streamline operations and provide better customer service. One option that’s often considered is an answering services for small business. You might not know this, but there is another option that might be a better choice. Virtual assistants offer everything that an answering service does and so much more. 

What are Answering Services for Small Business?

Answering services for small businesses are companies that provide call answering services on behalf of your business. They typically operate 24/7, take messages, and forward them to you via email or text. However, one significant drawback of these services is that they typically only provide basic call-handling services and do not offer any additional services.

Why You Don’t Need an Answering Service

While answering services for small businesses may seem convenient, they may not be the best option. These services lack the personal touch that customers expect when calling a small business. Customers want to speak with someone who understands your products and services, and an answering service may not have that level of expertise.

Why a Virtual Assistant is a Better Option

A virtual assistant is better than answering services for small businesses that need more than just call answering services. A virtual assistant possesses the ability to provide the benefits of an answering service, and also undertake more complex tasks such as scheduling appointments, providing information regarding products or services, and attending to routine inquiries. 

Virtual assistants offer the advantage of becoming familiar with your business needs, providing personalized customer service, and tailoring their services to meet your specific requirements. Additionally, hiring a virtual assistant is a cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for hiring additional staff.

virtual answering service

Choosing the Right Virtual Assistant for Your Business

If you decide that a virtual assistant is the right choice for your small business, it’s essential to choose the right one. You should consider the virtual assistant’s communication skills, as communication is key when working remotely. RAC Consulting knows that it matters who answers your phone. That’s why every virtual assistant on the RAC Consulting team is thoroughly trained specifically to handle your calls.

When choosing a virtual assistant, it’s also important to consider their work style and availability. Some virtual assistants may work regular office hours, while others may be available around the clock. RAC Consulting’s virtual assistants offer full-time, after-hours, or sick-day/vacation coverage.

Virtual Assistants vs. In-House Employees

Another advantage of hiring a virtual assistant is that you don’t have to worry about overhead costs such as rent, equipment, or benefits. You’ll only pay for the services you need, which can be a significant cost savings.

Additionally, virtual assistants are highly flexible. If you only need assistance for a specific project, you can hire a virtual assistant on a project-by-project basis. This allows you to scale up or down as needed, without the long-term commitment of hiring an in-house employee.

That being said, virtual assistants can be a valuable addition to your team and can free up more time to focus on the core aspects of your business. With their expertise and flexibility, they can help you stay organized, save time and money, and provide better customer service.

answering services

Ready for A Virtual Assistant?

RAC Consulting has provided services to a diverse set of industries, and that includes offering virtual assistant services. We have extensive experience working with various industries. Our virtual assistant services can help businesses across all these industries streamline their operations and focus on their core tasks while leaving administrative tasks to us. Contact us to see if our virtual assistant is the right choice for your business.

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